
The sole purpose for the information on this website is the presentation of Carbon Process and Plant Engineering S.A. (CPPE S.A.) and its products and services. Its contents are based upon experience and research and are provided on an as-is basis and without any liability, particularly including (but not limited to) liability with regard to the performance or properties of any CPPE product or of any products manufactured by any other producer. Descriptions or methods of working, contained in this website, are for information only. CPPE (including its subsidiaries or affiliated companies) do not accept any liability with regard to up-to-date status, completeness or correctness of the information or any liability for the merchantability of products, or the infringement of third party rights.

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CPPE has been taking care to ensure that all contents of this publication are accurate, but CPPE, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliated companies, accepts any liability for errors or for information found to be incorrect or misleading. The limitations of liability provided herein shall not apply to the extent that CPPE caused damage by acting grossly negligently or intentionally.

CPPE reserves the right to make changes in this material and in their respective products at any time in order to improve reliability, function or design and to supply the best products and processes possible. CPPE does not assume any obligation to correct any errors contained herein or to advise any user of this web site of any correction, if such be made.